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Simplify for Gmail

Utilities Productivity

Brought to you by the co-founder and design lead for Google Inbox, Simplify for Gmail is a browser extension for desktop Gmail that boosts productivity, strengthens privacy, and reduces stress by...

◆ Making hundreds of improvements (small and large) to streamline, simplify, and enhance Gmail’s design and functionality. No part of Gmail is left untouched. Messages are easier to scan, read, and compose. Once you install, compare Gmail before and after using Option+S.
◆ Blocking over 250 email spy trackers (more than any other tracker blocker extension).
◆ Adding intuitive keyboard shortcuts. Navigate faster with your arrow keys, Enter (to open, then to reply), and Escape (close a message, then to return to inbox). Use familiar shortcuts like ⌘A to select all or ⌘Z to undo. Press "?" in Gmail to see all shortcuts.
◆ Adding a full dark mode with options to invert compose and all or only text messages.
◆ Letting you focus by turning off your inbox and optionally disable notifications. This isnt for everyone, but some appreciate being able to press pause and focus on their starred messages, drafts, etc without being distracted by new mail. Video demo
◆ Adding back the missing categories. Google Inbox had three other categories (Finances, Purchases, and Travel) that still work but Gmail doesnt link to. Simplify adds links to these in the nav with the other Categories.
◆ Providing over 40 options with great defaults so you can fine tune Simplify just the way you like. Options include changing the interface font, hiding unread counts, making the interface even more minimal, and more.
◆ And more, with more on the way There are tons of other details and features with more on the way.


Simplify was made by Michael Leggett, Gmails lead designer from 2008 to 2012 and the co-founder of Google Inbox. With the unfortunate demise of Google Inbox, Leggett wanted bring the simplified email experience to Gmail. Thus, Simplify Gmail was born on April 2, 2019.


You should always be super careful what extensions or apps you use with your email.
◆ Simplify always puts your security and privacy first.
◆ The code for Simplify is entirely stored on your computer (no remote code) and is for the sole purpose of improving and enhancing Gmails user interface and functionality.
◆ Simplify does NOT request full access to your email (no API permissions required).
◆ None of your data is collected, stored, or sent to Simplify.
◆ Simplify has no tracking or analytics software.
◆ Simplify will never have ads. Ever.


Simplifys products have no ads, no analytics, no trackers, no cookies, and do not send or receive personal information of any kind from your account or device.

Your privacy and the security of your account and data is of the utmost importance to us. We aim to make software worth paying for and taking the strictest stance on privacy possible.


There are over a billion unique combinations of Gmail’s options, features, user states, and 3rd party add-ons. Simplify strives to support them all on top of an ever-changing Gmail. More about the complexity of simplifying Gmail: - Please send feedback or report any issues via Simplifys website.